
Student Reflection: Mass of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time

Anna Androsyuk '24 provided the Student Reflection at Mass on Friday, October 20, 2023. Read the entire reflection below.
Good morning everyone. My name is Anna Androsyuk from the class of 2024 and I want to welcome you to today’s mass. 

In his letter to the Romans, Paul discusses Abraham, the founding father of the first covenant between God and His people. Paul explains that according to Scripture, Abraham’s belief  was the reason he was credited as righteous, not because of his work. Despite the fact that Abraham had done countless good deeds and had a profound impact, he was chosen by God solely because of his steadfast faith.

T在这里 are many ways to attain the spiritual gift God offers us. At times you may doubt yourself and wonder: am I doing this right? Do I really live as Jesus taught? But all God asks is for you to put your faith into Him. T在这里 are multiple ways we, as students, can exhibit our steadfast faith. Following the four Dominican pillars is a path that will lead you to righteousness, but more importantly also grows and solidifies your relationship with God. Through prayer,  community, study, and preaching we can learn how God wants us to live out our lives. However, these pillars cannot simply produce righteousness. Our actions are fruitless if not fueled by faith — belief in God and His promise. These pillars help us to embody our faith and connect it through our heart, 心, and soul — only then can God give us this spiritual gift.

My faith has not always been steadfast. I, too, have had low moments when I didn’t feel the presence of God. In middle school, I didn’t understand the importance of having a relationship with God. Just like most of my peers, I was preoccupied with other things like when I would spend time with my friends, what grade I got on a test, or what my plans were the following weekend. But regardless of whether I was focused on God, He was t在这里 even when I was too blind to see it. Especially when you feel an absence of God, Jesus re心s us, “Do not be afraid." Looking back now, I realize that He was t在这里 to guide me every step of the way. Even when we stray from God and good deeds, God still wants us to return to him. We don't need to be afraid of God if we have made mistakes. God was t在这里 through all my triumphs and my failures. He was t在这里 then just as He is now. He was t在这里 for me and He is t在这里 for each of you. God offers salvation as a gift to each and every one of us. He is forgiving, sins can be cured, and t在这里 is always a path to God.

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